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Keep your devices updated to the minute.

How RuggOTA can add value to your business

RuggON Software over the air

RuggON Software over the air
Have a hard time to integrate devices with your software?

RuggON provides the best fit to your devices and software. Seamless Integration helps accelerate your development span plus empower your solutions to a value-added level.

RuggON Software Over the air RuggOTA

Smart Deployment

You as an administrator can choose which devices you want to upgrade, while users will be notified about available updates and can decide whether they want to execute the updates or not. RuggOTA over MQTT accelerates data transmission through which you can easily monitor multiple devices' status quo and turn data into real-time insights.

RuggON Software Over the air RuggOTA

One click, keep devices up-to-the minute

No more visiting back and forth to clients' sides. As a time-and-cost saver, RuggOTA is designed to configure, maintain and upgrade your devices.

RuggON Software Over the air RuggOTA

Security Over-The-Air

Are you worried about the security issues? Built with a bottom-up mindset of cyber security, RuggOTA supports security protocols and required security functions in hardware. Its meticulous and safety architecture ensures security for user accounts, device connection, and file protection.

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